The cold weather has arrived and it’s beginning to show on our skin. The good news is that it’s actually a great time to tackle any skin issues we may have and to kick start our anti-ageing regime.
Nurse Catherine said:

With the change in the seasons and the weather becoming cooler, there are certain changes that we notice in our skin. Depending on your skin type you’ll notice dryness, irritation, dehydration, dull and lacklustre skin. Also, as we get older our skin doesn’t renew itself as often as it did in our younger days.
The solution is retinol. This is the single best thing you can do for your skin! A retinol will increase the rate at which your skin cells turn over. Retinol or Vitamin A is the number one ingredient proven to have anti-ageing benefits. Use at night time only and ensure you use your SPF each day afterwards as skin is more sensitive as it renews itself.
After a few weeks of use you will notice a visible improvement in your skin and a clearer, brighter complexion. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced and you’ll see a general improvement in the tone, quality and texture of the skin.
One thing is for sure, once you start using a retinol, it will be your product of choice – for life!

Now is also the best time to consider fraxel, the gold standard in laser resurfacing skin treatments. It delivers cumulative beams of energy deep into the dermal layer of the skin essentially causing a controlled injury. The body’s response is to heal, from the inside out and in so doing creates a surge in collagen and elastin, which are the key to younger looking skin. The treatment is FDA approved with means it is extremely safe.

The surge in collagen production leads to a softening of fine lines and wrinkles, and a huge improvement in the quality of the skin. What makes fraxel a stand-out treatment is that we can programme the exact depth that we want to reach in the dermal layer. We tailor-make a programme to target the specific requirements of each patient, be it acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, textural issues or just general skin rejuvenation. …Brighter, younger looking skin, a dramatic improvement in the overall quality of your skin and a huge surge in collagen, what’s not to love?
Nurse Aisling said:

“Once the cold weather hits a lot of us require a more hydrating moisturiser but many of us don’t like the feeling of a heavy cream in which case I recommend using a hydrating serum. This will replenish the skin without making it feel heavy and congested.
We love: PCA Skin’s Hydrating Serum
I also recommend a gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells. This also allows product to penetrate the skin more effectively. There’s no point in investing in good skincare if the product simply sits on top of dead skin cells.
We recommend the Vit-illume treatment, which deeply cleanses and exfoliates, super-hydrates and revitalises the skin, using a tailored combination of antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid. It’s the perfect treatment to brighten the skin and balance hydration levels.

Nurse Ailish added:
Coming into the winter months, central heating plays havoc with our skin as do the elements and so skin becomes dryer. Skin can look dull and tired and more congested as our skin tries to moisturise itself by producing more oils. We also tend to wear more make up to try to mask the problem. Broken blood vessels on our cheeks and noses become more obvious and our healthy summer glow begins to fade.
The solution
A change in your skin regime can really help. Using a Retinol A once or twice a week helps to keep the turnover of skin cells continuous. This will help to brighten and even your skin tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Be sure to keep using your SPF

Using a Vitamin C serum daily gives your skin the key antioxidant to fight ageing free radicals while also giving skin the key nutrient for collagen synthesis.
Treatments I loved right now include Fraxel and Vit-illume as mentioned by Catherine and Aisling but also Intense Pulse Light (IPL) which can reduce the appearance of broken vessels and redness especially around the nose, chin and cheeks, while giving an overall rejuvenation to the skin.
I do love the Vit-illume as it draws out any impurities and gives the skin a hydrated healthy glow, saturating the skin with peptides, hyaluronic acid and potent anti- oxidants.
***Star tip***
Ailish added: “In winter we’re inclined to replace our water with teas and coffees. Try to be more conscious of your water intake as caffeine can be dehydrating on the skin. Also a good fish oil such as Mor EPA (SMART FATS) is an excellent addition to your diet as it will help keep your skin soft and supple and balance any oil issues you may have”.
The best advice is to book a Free skin consultation with a skin expert at River Medical, 88 Lisburn Road, Belfast. Phone 028 9560 7585 or email [email protected]